Dual Sport and 4wd
Two Great Dual Sport/Jeep Roads in the Cherokee National Forest of East Tennessee WAUCHEESI MOUNTAIN This ride is suitable for adventurous intermediate riders on medium dual sports and experienced riders on large duals. We rode our KLX250s, but would h…
Cherokee – Heintooga One-Way Loop, October 30, 2007 It was October 30, the last day of the year that this one-way gravel road loop through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park would be open. Nancy and I had wanted to try it for years but just hadn’t…
⇐ BACK A few weeks ago we got a call from our friend and motorcycle writer, Neale Bayly. He wanted us to plan a route and lead a couple of Aprilia exec’s on a backroads adventure from the Historic Biltmore Hotel in Atlanta to the Biltmore Estate in Ash…
Tatham Gap Road from Robbinsville to Andrews, North Carolina has been reopened in August 2015 after three years of repair work. This is a great dual sport/Jeep route and can be driven by cars. It might be a little bumpy in spots, but most vehicles can…
Sometimes my job requires great sacrifice such as this dual sport ride across some of the best back roads in America with three female riders chasing me down. It’s not easy having these gals challenging me at every difficult corner and climb. The press…
Cades Cove Loop is closed to motor vehicles on Wednesday and Saturday mornings until 10:00 a.m. from early May until late September each year to allow bicyclists and pedestrians to enjoy the cove. Otherwise the road is open daily from sunrise until sun…
Cherokee – Heintooga One-Way Loop, October 30, 2007 It was October 30, the last day of the year that this one-way gravel road loop through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park would be open. Nancy and I had wanted to try it for years but just hadn’t…
Two Great Dual Sport/Jeep Roads in the Cherokee National Forest of East Tennessee This route is suitable for adventurous intermediate riders on medium dual sports and experienced riders on large dual sports. We rode our KLX250s, but would have had…
Wagon Train/Stewart Cabin Road Enter this Forest Service gravel road (FR81) at Santeetlah Gap at the beginning of the Cherohala Skyway in North Carolina at 2660 feet elevation. The road winds downhill and crosses Santeetlah Creek at 2234 feet elevation…