Cherohala Skyway

⇐ BACK Peak colors typically occur during the last two weeks in October, but that is dependent upon fall temperatures and in particular, the first frost date. The color change begins at higher elevations where you see the earliest changes in late Septe…

123 Miles/4 Hours Travel Time Beginning at the US 129/NC 28 intersection in North Carolina where the large metal dragon guards the highway, take US 129 north. The Tail of the Dragon begins in .7 miles at the North Carolina/Tennessee State Line. In the…

This 78-mile loop begins and ends in Tellico Plains, Tennessee. Highways include TN 39, TN 315, US 64 and TN 68.

⇐ BACK This full day loop will take you on a mile high mountain road deep in the wilderness, close to a beautiful waterfall, a twisty two-lane back road, across a dam on a scenic lake, and wind around a back country road with rural views. Beginning in…

Two Great Dual Sport/Jeep Roads in the Cherokee National Forest of East Tennessee This route is suitable for adventurous intermediate riders on medium dual sports and experienced riders on large dual sports. We rode our KLX250s, but would have had…

Wagon Train/Stewart Cabin Road Enter this Forest Service gravel road (FR81) at Santeetlah Gap at the beginning of the Cherohala Skyway in North Carolina at 2660 feet elevation. The road winds downhill and crosses Santeetlah Creek at 2234 feet elevation…