
⇐ BACK Peak colors typically occur during the last two weeks in October, but that is dependent upon fall temperatures and in particular, the first frost date. The color change begins at higher elevations where you see the earliest changes in late Septe…
NOTE: The Dragon Museum sold and changed locations circa 2015. Since that time it has closed. What a shame. Tail of the Dragon visited the Dragon Dreams Museum in Chattanooga Tennessee in 2012. We had heard about this place, but no one had told us how…
DAY ONE Robbinsville NC to Sumter SC 345 miles We left Robbinsville about 11 am getting the usual late start. We wanted to have lunch at the Bantam Chef in Chesnee, South Carolina, but it would be a late lunch with a good three hours of riding to cover…
In August of 2010 Nancy and I took a week to explore the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive in depth. We started our trek at the southern end and worked our way north. PART 1 An excellent source for information about the Blue Ridge Parkway and many o…
Western North Carolina Highlights We recently took off for a few days in Nancy’s new Mustang GT to explore some of the roads that we have reported on before and we actually found a couple of new ones. We also discovered some great places to eat and som…
We took another couple of days off after the hard working summer of 07. We were still clearing our heads from the Tennesee Highway Patrol fiasco of July, August and September. We decided to explore the Big South Fork area of Tennessee and Kentucy. We h…
DAY ONE, learning how to negotiate in the desert sand: Sunday November 11, 2002, temperature in the mid-50’s at 10am We headed north on Terlingua Ranch road trying to get a feel for the bikes on this washboard shellrock road. We took a right on Maratho…
Nancy and I attended the first annual Tour de Apalachicola, a gathering of KLRs and other dual port adventure riders. Attendees began gathering Thursday at the Indian Springs YMCA Camp located about near Wakulla Springs 15 miles south of downtown Talla…

Tazewell to Marion, Virginia In September of 2014 Nancy and I headed north into Virginia to explore the Back of the Dragon. A number of people have been asking about it and the trip was a good excuse to take a couple of days off. After several days of…